The pressure group, founded in 1995, which campaigns for changes in the law to stop thoughtless off-road drivers damaging or destroying green lanes, and the rights of walkers, riders, pedal cyclists, carriage drivers and the disabled to use them without danger, difficulty and inconvenience.
We have a large individual membership as well as many Parish Councils and conservation organisations big and small, throughout England and Wales. A great many MPs and active members of the House of Lords, of all parties, are Honorary Members.
In 2005, GLEAM founded a much larger alliance, the Green Lanes Protection Group (GLPG), which spoke for over 20 organisations. Its objective was specifically to improve the NERC Bill and then to work for its proper implementation. GLEAM continues mainly to assist individual members, and its wider objective embraces also the management of existing rights of way. Since commencement of the NERC Act in 2006, GLEAM and GLPG have worked continuously to assist their respective members together with Defra and local authorities in overcoming the difficulties caused by a radical Act. In spite of the numerous amendments we achieved, the Act remains poorly drafted in places, which has provided a number of contentious issues.
The changes have resulted in complex legislation generally, and several guidance papers have been written for the benefit of members and others, including the use of traffic regulation orders, green lane statistics, the NERC Act in practice, public nuisance, user evidence, claim fighting, and enforcement.
Newsletters are published twice a year and these may be viewed on the Newsletters page.