Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement
GLEAM P.O. Box 5206, Reading RG7 6YT.
Patron: HRH The Duke of Edinburgh KG KT
Please fill out the form below by typing in your details, and then click the submit button to email it, or click the print button to print it out to send it by post.
PO Box 159, Otley, LS21 9BT
I/we agree with the aims and objectives of GLEAM.
I/we wish to join GLEAM and enclose a cheque/have made a bank payment.
Individual and household: an annual subscription of £10Organisations: an annual subscription of £15Life membership: a donation of at least £50
Please tick the appropriate box and make cheques payable to GLEAM or pay by internet banking to GLEAM, sort code 20-71-03, account number 10 76 01 37, including your name in the reference.
When you have completed this form, please submit it using the submit button below, or print it out (print button below) and post it and your cheque to GLEAM at the address above.
Contacting you Please tick the boxes below to give GLEAM permission to use the information you have supplied above to:
To send you the GLEAM newsletter (twice a year) and AGM notice by e-mail or post.
To send you other items of current news by e-mail.
Our privacy notice explains how we use the personal data you give us when you join.
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